Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Well it is a different life without our best buds, Rob and Sharon but we are soldiering on!  We hung at home and slept for the first two days after they left as we all had been having too much fun and needed to have a rest.  Our days consist of lots of bike riding and exploring Amsterdam...getting to know different parts of the city that we did not know before...Jordan, Docklands, Albert Cuyp and our own Oud West.  We also go to the different markets that are happening for food, art supplies and just cool stuff!  We have quite a few projects on the go at the home studio as well.  I am making some collages, sculptures and a blanket as well as working on my journal/drawing book and of course this blog.  Arnt is working on writing, painting, making a sailboat model as well as drawings and maquettes of new furniture design.  So we are using our time well.  We went to one museum called the Kromhout at which I spent the afternoon listening to ancient engines, turbines and generators and was absolutely entertained!  Go figure!  I have also included some photos from the artist centre on the island that Sharon and I went to.  This whole area is full of creative people...MTV, art school, studios in old warehouses, skateboard park in the ceiling of the old warehouse above the studios, bar made out of shipping containers with a beach in front, another restaurant/bar in a large quonset hut and public art everywhere.  The only residences seem to be these three old tram cars.  The weather was sunny and hot and everyone was just kicking back.  There is an area where the graffiti artists work and we got to meet one of the locals and ask questions.  Sharon took quite a few photos so look for new work at this years Crawl!  I too have been taking lots of photos but not sure when or where they will appear.  At least I have now narrowed it down to a few subject matters!  Below are some photos that relate to the above stories but also some just because they are quirky! 

Museum Tired
Small Electric Car....So Cute!
shopping cart full of legs...hmmmm!
Local pickup truck
not sure what it does but it is darn cute
local Dutch Boyer on the Amstel River
Delivering gyprock and reno supplies
Amsterdam Squat
Arnt at the Playground
Art Project at the artist centre

Sharon listening
Artist studios inside warehouse
Graffiti area
Local street artist Joost
Tram residence

Tram Residence
Public sculpture made of plastic cups

Public sculpture made of found glass

Cardboard desk at the Library

They read Romeo and Juliet while at the Library

Workers outside our place...note his shoes (klompen)


  1. Evan and I went to that island while we were there, too! It was cute and totally weird at the same time. Glad to see you had a great visit with Rob and Sharon, we miss you over here!

  2. We are going to Amsterdam in August so have enjoyed your photos very much.

    1. If you have time we could meet for a coffee. I only have email

  3. Love it all and especially the tram residences and cardboard desk! What fun, and still jealous over here. The weather has been awful, and way too cold!
